PHM 2024 Conference Data Challenge Final Scores

The PHM North American 2024 Data Challenge has entered the final phase. Competitors have submitted their final (validation) results, but it’s not over yet. The teams will also be judged on their creativity and presentation, and there will be cash prizes for the top three places. We have invited five teams to give oral presentations at the PHM conference and five more to present posters. Due to the challenging nature of this year’s problem, there are some creative and complex approaches.  Make sure to attend these presentations to see the novel solutions!


Standings at Close of Competition
Team Validation Data Score Testing Data Score
goldriver 0.996590 0.999109
PHHQ 0.940693 0.984374
ajouPHM 0.917999 Not submitted
MathWorks 0.913785 0.968646
Sliding Kurtosis Rules! 0.904316 0.944837
ppgeps 0.886953 0.955719
Ajoucau 0.866422 0.940768
Mad SoftMax 0.848976 0.937006
SuperNOVa 0.840498 0.940446
B-26418 0.787819 0.865451
LAX 0.782426 0.916949
Feral Children of the Wild West 0.756175 0.888459
SnT 0.748494 0.913052
TechSun 0.744044 0.622105
mp_dsip 0.518571 0.640010
EG Data Diggers 0.323894 0.348362
Hope_Redemption 0.239758 0.468538
lowcode 0.148757 0.256663
MxjtuGA 0.053298 0.419342
Polimi-CSC -0.102019 0.372230
v2civ Not submitted 0.962675
ClaireBB Not submitted 0.874126
JSEG Not submitted 0.540108
nini Not submitted 0.418178
RMA_KUL Not submitted 0.259765
All The Way Not submitted 0.220712